Falling into Indecision
Have you recently noticed more difficulty in making decisions, perhaps in areas of your life where you once had clear focus and determination?
Well, you are certainly not alone. According to the American Psychological Association, constant risk assessment and various external factors affecting decision-making over the last (almost) two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 1/3 of US adults admitted to being so overwhelmed and exhausted that even basic decision-making (like what should I wear?) was extremely compromised. Constantly being faced with making decisions is like constantly flexing a muscle. It will eventually fatigue to the point of near uselessness.
Chinese Medicine and Indecision
Decision-making, planning, and taking action is related to the Wood element in 5-Element theory, which corresponds to the Liver and Gallbladder systems. This energy is most prominent in the Spring, which makes sense because this season is a time for growth, creativity, and change. When this system is deficient, indecision and timidity can manifest in various areas of your life, at any time. And this deficiency is antithesis to growth, creativity, and change.
Living in a society that prizes constant action, determination, and cut-throat decisiveness can easily exhaust our precious resources when we are having to constantly flex these abilities, no matter the season. Add an upending pandemic to the mix, it’s no wonder indecision is so prominent.
What to do about it?
At the time of writing this, we are approaching the end of Fall, with Winter just looming ahead. Flowing with the energy and cycles of nature can be one of the best ways to rejuvenate or tame any deficiencies or excesses in your life.
During these last days of Fall, if a major decision in your life can wait, it’s probably best to do so. Instead, take this opportunity to reflect on everything that you did (or did not) experience over the last year, and make the decision to sort through what worked and what didn’t. Take 5 minutes to jot down all the things you accomplished over the last 12 months. When you are done, read over each thing, and simply tune into your body’s wisdom – what inspires you? What drains you? What’s completely neutral? Sit with this daily until it is absolutely necessary to decide on the next course of action.
This is simply flowing with the Fall energy of extracting the purest essence of your experience, and letting go of that which does not serve you. This will also give you time to nourish, rejuvenate, and retrain your decision-making capabilities, so that you are more equipped to make wise decisions based off purpose and inspiration, rather than fear, scarcity, and longing.