A Remedy for Anger

Acupuncture for better moods.

In Chinese Medicine, anger is the emotion that corresponds with an unbalanced Wood element. The Wood element is related to the Liver and Gallbladder systems.


It’s nearing the end of summer, and anger continues to abound.

I remember hearing the saying “If you aren’t angry, then you aren’t paying attention.” I thought that was so cool, at the age of 17. The age that is sandwiched between teenage angst and adulthood. The age where I looked in the mirror and saw myself as a social justice fighter, picketing and petitioning all the things I believed were wrong and oppressive.

But what the hell did I know? I was 17.

Fast forward to 2021, and it seems like wherever you go, anger is the most pervasive, most justifiable emotion. After all, anger can be used as fuel. It’s more energizing than loss, grief, and sadness. It’s what makes “change.”

But does it really?

Emotions are signals. That’s it. So, feeling them isn’t wrong. It’s natural. It’s the human experience.   

Emotions only become harmful when they keep us stuck, and prevent us from moving forward. Either pushing them down, out of sight out of mind, or forcefully expressing them without virtuous transformation, only to bury us in the mud of stagnation.

So, the goal should not be to deny anger. That’s nearly impossible. Instead, the goal must be to recognize anger, and mold it into a purer version of fuel that will perpetuate change and transformation - Generosity. Humility. Acceptance. Service. Flexibility.

You can’t make meaningful change while pointing the finger. After all, you’ll always have three more fingers pointing back at yourself.

It’s basic Life, Ethics, and Virtues 101. How have we forgotten this?

Transform. Then go and make change.


Collecting and Releasing for the Fall


Anatomy of a Root