Anatomy of a Root
Very simply, when a seed germinates, it becomes a seminal root. The seminal root evolves to become the primary root, in which lateral roots will soon branch from. In the taproot system, the primary root is the most important root of the entire system.
The state of a plant’s health is dependent on the health of the root system. If the roots are diseased, compromised, or weak, then the whole plant struggles.
Medicine, both conventional and complimentary fields, understand the importance of treating the root cause of illness and disease. Simply fix what is causing disease, and then the disease resolves. However, often with conventional thinking, the root cause seems to be hiding within a whirlpool of possibilities. We have research and statistics, but the only way to truly know is to wait and see if the treatment works.
But like in a taproot plant system, what if the root system in “disease” also has several parts?
The Seminal.
The Primary.
The Lateral.
The Seminal = Our genetic blueprint.
The Primary = Our mission in life/destiny.
The Lateral = Our epigenetic disposition.
Altering the seminal root remains a science for the future. Treating the lateral root is functional medicine (i.e. addressing toxic/environmental factors, diet, stress).
But the primary root? Can medicine be used to reawaken this? Turn it back on? Empower it? Because if the primary root is healthy and alive, won’t that ultimately turn on the switch and make all the other “treatments” that much more effective?