Collecting and Releasing for the Fall

Stress relief in the Fall

According to 5-Element Acupuncture theory, going with the cyclical change of the seasons promotes optimal health. From dietary recommendations, to exercise suggestions, to even how much rest you should be getting, each season has its own unique value on the human mind, body, and spirit. The premise behind the philosophy is simple – balance.

In Fall we collect.

In Winter we pause.

In Spring we grow.

In Summer we act.

In Chinese Medicine, the Fall relates to the Metal element, and the Lung and Large Intestine systems.

Healthy functioning of the Lung system inhales what is pure, and exhales what is impure. Ideal functioning of the Large Intestine system absorbs what is vital to energetic health, and releases what isn’t nourishing. 

Fall is a time for collecting and harvesting. Energetically, it is the process of gathering what we’ve accomplished, what we’ve learned, and what we’ve experienced over the last year. From here, we can sort through what is of use, and disregard what is toxically inedible (i.e. a problem not worth our time, health, or energy).

During this season, it isn’t so much about creating something new as it is about taking the pure/inspirational aspects of what we’ve already produced, learned, and experienced, and bringing it inward. It’s what begins in the Fall, and lasts through the contemplative months of Winter. Try this and watch your creativity soar in the Spring.        

‘Tis the season to bring in, and ultimately let go...


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